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Do accident fatalities spike around the holidays?

On Behalf of | Nov 27, 2019 | Uncategorized

The Crossroads Of North Mississippi
Photo of Alan D. Lancaster and J. Ryan Taylor

Do accident fatalities spike around the holidays?

Nationwide, millions of individuals, couples and families hit the road for holiday travels. Thanksgiving and Christmas are some of the highest traffic holidays of the year.

Starting the day before Thanksgiving and ending the Sunday following, it is predicted that 49.3 million drivers will be traveling on U.S. roads. The Christmas travel traffic prediction has not yet been released, but last year AAA estimated that a combined 112.5 million people would travel by car and airplane around Christmas and New Year’s.

What does that mean for you and your family?

For all those traveling by road, that means your likelihood of a collision increases. In 2017, about 35% of all car crash fatalities involved a driver with a BAC of 0.08 or higher.

Unfortunately, you cannot control another driver’s actions. To protect yourself as best you can; you may want to follow these three safety tips:

  1. Refrain from driving at night or during high volume times.
  2. Pay attention to other vehicles and drive defensively.
  3. Notice the road conditions and plan accordingly, ensure your vehicle is properly functioning.

You may be able to minimize your risk of an accident by following the safety measures. Sometimes, drivers are blindsided by another vehicle and are unable to maneuver the situation. No matter how cautiously you drive, other drivers may threaten your safety.

Which state is the most dangerous for holiday travels?

Sadly, Mississippi is ranked the number one most dangerous state for car accident fatalities. The study collected data for November, starting in 2013, ending in 2017. Mississippi leads the highest number of fatal vehicle accidents, with 1.68 deaths per 100,000 people.

For all Mississippians staying within state lines this season, do your best to arrive at your destination safely. Unfortunately, a life-changing accident can happen to anyone. Understand your legal rights and do what is best for your health and your family’s well-being.
