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6 Challenges In Truck Accident Cases

On Behalf of | Aug 30, 2024 | Motor Vehicle Accidents

A truck accident can be distressing and painful. Unfortunately, Mississippi highways record collisions with these types of vehicles daily. People get hurt. A collision with a truck destroys the smaller vehicles and renders them unusable.

You may be entitled to compensation if you are injured and your vehicle is damaged in a truck accident while crossing Mississippi roads.

However, navigating the legal process to get compensation can take time and effort. Insurers and carriers will fight for their interests.

Why Truck Accident Claims Are Complicated?

Truck accidents are fatal. They often result in painful injuries and, in the worst cases, death. Receiving compensation in a truck accident case is more complicated than other car crashes.

Here are some reasons why truck accident claims are complex:

  • Severe injuries: Due to their weight, load, size and power, truck accidents often leave catastrophic and permanent wounds. As a result, the injured victim must face the legal process while trying to recover.
  • Third parties: Besides the driver, the trucking company and the insurer are involved. Each of these parties can have its legal defense team.
  • Regulations: There are many federal and state regulations. They can make all the difference in a claim. For example, load weights, driver training and proper permits for the trucking company.
  • Fault and responsibility: Mississippi works with an at-fault system. This means the individual at fault must pay for property and medical damages. Also, Mississippi has a pure comparative negligence doctrine. The victim’s percentage of responsibility determines the amount they can receive.
  • Evidence: Collecting evidence is a complicated task. How do you prove the truck was overweight or that the driver was unqualified?
  • Damages: Attorneys for the trucking company and insurers will fight to reduce your compensation.

Faced with these challenges, victims often feel frustrated and distressed. However, all is not lost for them and their families.

What To Do?

If you are a truck accident victim, the most important thing is to get medical attention. If you have been injured as a result of trucking accident you should consult with an experienced attorney who handles these specific types of cases.
