Many Mississippi residents suffer from chronic hip pain. While people generally associate hip problems with growing old, certain hip conditions can happen to people of any age. One problem that is commonly misdiagnosed is called femoral acetabular impingement. This issue is commonly overlooked and might be diagnosed as a different condition.
What is femoral acetabular impingement?
Femoral acetabular impingement is a medical problem that occurs when the femoral head is misshapen and does not fit neatly into the hip socket. Over time, people can develop an impingement when the misshapen portion of the femoral head repeatedly strikes the bone of the socket and the cartilage that surrounds the joint. This repeated action can cause tears in the cartilage to develop and lead to chronic pain when the sufferers engage in certain types of movements. Hip impingement can happen to people of any age and is especially common in athletes.
Treatment of femoral acetabular impingement
When FAI is correctly diagnosed, the first line of treatment will normally include physical therapy. With physical therapy, people can build the muscles surrounding the joint and learn the types of movements that they should avoid. Some FAI cases will require surgery to shave off some of the bony parts of the femoral head so that it fits securely into the hip socket. The cartilage that has been torn might also need to be repaired. A misdiagnosis of another condition instead of FAI may amount to medical malpractice if the patient is harmed.
People who have been misdiagnosed might not receive the proper treatment and undergo chronic pain and reduced quality of life for years before it is discovered. Receiving unnecessary treatment for a different condition might also result in harm. Patients who discover that they were misdiagnosed and who have suffered further losses may want to consult with an experienced medical malpractice attorney to learn about the legal options that they might have.