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Uncovering medical malpractice with the help of a private autopsy

On Behalf of | Oct 5, 2022 | Medical Malpractice

Many people in Mississippi go through the uncertainty of helping a loved one deal with a medical emergency. Sadly, the family members in waiting rooms don’t always get positive news from medical professionals. Some deaths are the result of medical malpractice. Here’s how requesting a private autopsy could prove your suspicions about a hospital’s lack of proper treatment.

Don’t trust the hospital

After a patient passes away, the hospital where the recently deceased person stayed might try to perform an in-house autopsy. Initially, this offer can seem like a hospital’s way of offering help during a difficult time; however, a hospital’s eagerness to perform an in-house autopsy might not be with good intentions. Sometimes, a hospital performs its own autopsy to avoid liability. You’d hate to think a hospital would try and cover up evidence of medical malpractice, but it can happen.

Sometimes, medical examiners appointed by a hospital might leave out important evidence pointing to medical malpractice. It’s also possible for a medical examiner or coroner to list the cause of death in an autopsy but leave out that better medical care could have prevented this death from happening. While most hospitals will be trustworthy, it’s never a bad idea to get a second opinion just in case.

Requesting a private autopsy

If you suspect a loved one passed away due to another’s negligence, request a private autopsy. This type of autopsy gives a non-hospital-affiliated person a chance to investigate a loved one’s cause of death. It can also put your mind at ease that no cover-ups will take place.

In closing, people have rights when they suspect a loved one’s death happened because of medical malpractice. Make sure to keep all documentation handy after a private autopsy concludes. The results of this autopsy could prove to be extremely valuable evidence. If you have been injured as a result of medical malpractice, you should consult with an experienced attorney who handles these specific types of cases.
